Delivery is under control in 1 month. Exact routes. Calculation of routes.

Suitable for transport, freight forwarding companies, manufacturers, distributors, carriers, courier companies
Suitable for transport, freight forwarding companies, manufacturers, distributors, carriers, courier companies

Complex automation of transport logistics of the enterprise

Helps with the management of your own, as well as hired transportation, drivers, and couriers.
Individual adaptation to business specifics
We study the processes "as is" and form a target business model to accurately meet the needs of the company.
Open architecture of the system
The business logic is implemented on Microsoft technologies. The possibility of self-improvement.
Works on any device
Cross-platform solution. It works from a browser in any operating system: on a desktop, on a tablet, on a MacBook.
Individual adaptation to business specifics
We study the processes "as is" and form a target business model to accurately meet the needs of the company.
Open architecture of the system
The business logic is implemented on Microsoft technologies. The possibility of self-improvement.
Works on any device
Cross-platform solution. It works from a browser in any operating system: on a desktop, on a tablet, on a MacBook.
What will LEAD TMS give to your business
Primary calculation of the cost and delivery time
Calculate customer orders and the economy of routes. Calculation of the planned cost of delivery
Reduced delivery costs
Effective planning of delivery routes on optimal routes, planning of the cost part
Actual information from employees and the customer
All data about cargo and resources are in a single information field. Events informing.
Advanced analytics and KPIs
Analyze statistics, make management decisions, optimize expenses
Improving the service level and NPS
Monitoring of cargo location and transportation parameters. Convenient work with claims and feedback.
Reducing the influence of the human factor in the planning and execution of delivery
The employee does not need to remember the important nuances of transportation - TMS takes into account most of the parameters. There is no risk of losing information on the offered offers.
What will LEAD TMS give to your business
Primary calculation of the cost and delivery time
Calculate customer orders and the economy of routes. Calculation of the planned cost of delivery
Reduced delivery costs

Effective planning of delivery routes on optimal routes, planning of the cost part
Actual information from employees and the customer
All data about cargo and resources are in a single information field. Events informing.
Advanced analytics and KPIs
Analyze statistics, make management decisions, optimize expenses
Improving the service level and NPS
Monitoring of cargo location and transportation parameters. Convenient work with claims and feedback.
Reducing the influence of the human factor in the planning and execution of delivery
The employee does not need to remember the important nuances of transportation - TMS takes into account most of the parameters. There is no risk of losing information on the offered offers.

Managing transportation requests

Calculation of the cost of transportation services by request
Formation and approval of delivery requests taking into account all possible requirements for transportation and cargo criteria.

The time windows of delivery, commodity neighborhood, temperature modes of transportation, additional work (lifting to the floor, "packing material with you"), the use of circulating equipment (returnable containers, thermal sensors) are taken

Managing transportation requests

Calculation of the cost of transportation services by request
Formation and approval of delivery requests taking into account all possible requirements for transportation and cargo criteria.

The time windows of delivery, commodity neighborhood, temperature modes of transportation, additional work (lifting to the floor, "packing material with you"), the use of circulating equipment (returnable containers, thermal sensors) are taken

Full transparency in resource management

Data about drivers, couriers and vehicles are systematized in registers
Before planning routes, the system checks the availability of transport and employees in accordance with their work schedule. After checking these documents, the driver can be allowed to drive the transport. Before taking the shift, a medical examination is registered in TMS.

LEAD TMS will remind you in advance when the expiration date of the driver's license expires and inform you about the date of the inspection.

Full transparency in resource management

Data on drivers, couriers and vehicles are systematized in registers
Before planning routes, the system checks the availability of transport and employees in accordance with their work schedule. After checking these documents, the driver can be allowed to drive the transport. Before taking the shift, a medical examination is registered in TMS.

LEAD TMS will remind you in advance when the expiration date of the driver's license expires and inform you about the date of the inspection.

Automatic scheduling of delivery routes

The system will calculate the planned and take into account the actual costs of the routes.
Plan direct and return routes taking into account the time windows of unloading/loading. Manage the duration and length of the route, as well as the degree of disposal of vehicles by volume or weight of cargo.

Automatic scheduling of delivery routes

The system will calculate the planned and take into account the actual costs of the routes.
Plan direct and return routes taking into account the time windows of unloading/loading. Manage the duration and length of the route, as well as the degree of disposal of vehicles by volume or weight of cargo.
Optimal routing
Carry out transportation in the shortest possible time with minimal financial costs
Transportation parameters are flexibly configured when planning routes. More than 20 different criteria can participate in the calculation of routes, such as the number of delivery points, the maximum length and duration of the routes, the time of receiving cargo, the carrying capacity and features of the vehicle, the minimum cost and many others.
Optimal routing
Carry out transportation in the shortest possible time with minimal financial costs
Transportation parameters are flexibly configured when planning routes. More than 20 different criteria can participate in the calculation of routes, such as the number of delivery points, the maximum length and duration of the routes, the time of receiving cargo, the carrying capacity and features of the vehicle, the minimum cost and many others.
Automatic geocoding of delivery point addresses for planning and displaying on the map
Traffic situations
Use of statistical data on the situation on the roads for realistic calculation of the duration of the route ("traffic jams")
The LEAD TMS system can work with various mapping services: Yandex, CityGid, OpenStreetMap, Here.
Automatic geocoding of delivery point addresses for planning and displaying on the map
Traffic situations
Use of statistical data on the situation on the roads for realistic calculation of the duration of the route ("traffic jams")
The LEAD TMS system can work with various mapping services: Yandex, CityGid, OpenStreetMap, Here.
Let's simulate your work in the system
Based on the data of your typical day, we will demonstrate how the system will plan routes and what efficiencies can be reached.
Online monitoring of vehicles
Integration with Wialon, Autograph and other telematics monitoring systems
Collecting indicators about the parameters of the car's operation in online mode: mileage, fuel consumption, tracking. Formation of complex reports. Comparison of planned and actual data based on data from monitoring systems and planned indicators in LEAD TMS.
Online monitoring of vehicles
Integration with Wialon, Autograph and other telematics monitoring systems
Collecting indicators about the parameters of the car's operation in online mode: mileage, fuel consumption, tracking. Formation of complex reports. Comparison of planned and actual data based on data from monitoring systems and planned indicators in LEAD TMS.
Working with transport companies
Automation of API interaction for the delivery of bulk cargoes
Use all the services of transport companies directly in LEAD TMS. Get information about the cost and delivery time, choose a suitable carrier and tariff, track the status of cargo delivery, settlements and accounting documents.

If there is no integration, you can enter tariff schedules manually and upload applications for transport companies in popular formats.
Working with transport companies
Automation of API interaction for the delivery of bulk cargoes
Use all the services of transport companies directly in LEAD TMS. Get information about the cost and delivery time, choose a suitable carrier and tariff, track the status of cargo delivery, settlements and accounting documents.

If there is no integration, you can enter tariff schedules manually and upload applications for transport companies in popular formats.
Android app for drivers
Drivers and couriers know the contacts of responsible persons, can see changes in the route, fix deviations in the process of work
  • Information about routes, delivery points and requests
  • Information about the location of the vehicle
  • Recording the time of arrival, departure and location of the vehicle at the point
  • Registration of application delivery or reasons for refusal/cancellation of execution
  • Uploading photos to confirm the transfer of goods and force majeure situations
  • Data accumulation in the absence of an Internet connection (offline)
  • Accounting for the actual consumption and cost of fuel
Android app for drivers
Drivers and couriers know the contacts of responsible persons, can see changes in the route, fix deviations in the process of work
  • Information about routes, delivery points and requests
  • Information about the location of the vehicle
  • Recording the time of arrival, departure and location of the vehicle at the point
  • Registration of application delivery or reasons for refusal/cancellation of execution
  • Uploading photos to confirm the transfer of goods and force majeure situations
  • Data accumulation in the absence of an Internet connection (offline)
  • Accounting for the actual consumption and cost of fuel
4 weeks
We analyze the processes AS IS, form TO BE, prepare and configure LEAD TMS, train staff and help implement the system
Nothing excessive
Necessary and sufficient functionality. The user-friendly interface is not overloaded, so the system is easy to master in 3 days
Easy integration with ERP, WMS, TMS
We will set up integration with any accounting and management systems, even self-created ones. Seamless integration with solutions on the LEAD platform.

Implementation of TMS, WMS, MES, support, trainings

Selection and supply of equipment

Logistics innovations: slotting, simulation, 3D-VR

We are trusted

With the help of our software solutions, more than 270 projects have been implemented in the field of automation of warehouse, transport and industrial logistics for private companies and state enterprises

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Let's work together
Gertrudes str. 66-51, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia
+371 28203600
SIA "LOGNRG− is a Latvian company presenting innovative IT products for the modernization of warehouse and transport logistics

Our solutions have been proving their effectiveness for more than 17 years and help to develop the business of large international companies.

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