Apply modern technologies to optimize the warehouse and improve your processes. Stay ahead of the competition!

Digital warehouse twin

A high-precision warehouse simulation model that takes into account the physics of processes to improve the efficiency of warehouse processes.

Exclude "live" experiments in the warehouse.

Digital warehouse twin

A high-precision warehouse simulation model that takes into account the physics of processes to improve the efficiency of warehouse processes.

Exclude "live" experiments in the warehouse.
Checking any conditions with relationship to the current topology. Will there be enough employees, equipment, zones, etc. in terms of capacity?
Assessment and forecasting of warehouse capacity: can the warehouse cope with an unexpected surge in demand?
Checking the effectiveness of changes in technology, topology, rules of distribution, placement of items
Evaluation of the effect of WMS implementation in real KPIs
Checking the effectiveness of changes in technology, topology, rules of distribution, placement of items

Monitoring and forecasting performance indicators


Assessment and forecasting of warehouse throughput in the short and long term

Evaluation of the effect of WMS implementation in real KPIs

Optimization of product placement in a warehouse with WMS

Reducing the distance of movement, picking time and improving the efficiency of warehouse operations.

Savings on the mileage of equipment and employees up to 80%.

Optimization of product placement in a warehouse with WMS

Reducing the distance of movement, picking time and improving the efficiency of warehouse operations.

Savings on the mileage of equipment and employees up to 80%.
Pick-by-Vision - Augmented reality technology
Augmented reality glasses in stock provide:
- "Hands-free" technology for scanning and typing, productivity growth from 10 to 40%;
- "Process management", which leads to reduction and prevention of errors.

Pick-by-Vision - Augmented reality technology

Augmented reality glasses in stock provide:
- "Hands-free" technology for scanning and typing, productivity growth from 10 to 40%;
- "Process management", which leads to reduction and prevention of errors.

3D warehouse (VR) in real time

Innovations in logistics: virtual monitoring of warehouse operation (desktop or helmet). Change the topology, monitor the processes, monitor the main parameters in real-time.

Monitoring the current state

Warehouse innovations

Topology of your warehouse

Warehouse innovations

Инновации в логистике - виртуальный тренажер на складских сотрудников

Virtual simulator

for training line personnel
Training of new employees in a virtual warehouse according to scenarios that emulate real warehouse processes.
Saving the time of key mentors - reducing the impact on their productivity.
Reducing mistakes made by new employees during their first days working in a warehouse is a risk-free adaptation.
Reaching planned productivity from the moment of starting work in real conditions
Working with scripts
Using standard and creating unique training scenarios that ensure:
  • Getting used to the topology,
  • Following the sequence of warehouse operations,
  • Mastering the data collection terminal.
Evaluation of criteria
Setting standards to control the accuracy and quality of tasks.
Working with terminal
Connection of the data collection terminal (DCT) to the workplace, the use of real devices in the learning process.
  • seamless integration with terminal when using a client application for LEAD WMS.
  • emulation of screen forms and push-button layout of the terminal, if necessary, complete duplication of third-party software and equipment.

Working with 1D and 2D terminals: output of the Barcode to the printer or scanning from the screen.
Let's work together
Gertrudes str. 66-51, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia
+371 28203600
SIA "LOGNRG− is a Latvian company presenting innovative IT products for the modernization of warehouse and transport logistics

Our solutions have been proving their effectiveness for more than 17 years and help to develop the business of large international companies.

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